What’s the best way for the board to govern your organization?
It Depends.
rEvolutionary Governance
Finally, a straightforward governance system that recognizes boards are in different stages of evolution.
rEvolutionary Governance meets your board right where it is.
In rEvolutionary Governance, you will learn:
- How to operate optimally – at your stage of evolution
- A simple step-by-step approach to evolving your board along the development continuum
- The variables to affect change – board member qualities, ideal group dynamics, strategic focus, policies and procedures – All targeted to the stage you’re in now and the next stage – if you desire to go to the next stage.
Sign Up to Get Your Free Handbook.
What Association Board Members and Staff are Saying
I am trying to move my board to Stages 5 and 6, as I came in 2.5 years ago to a mess which they didn’t even realize they had. I am hoping I can share some of your information to move them forward and help them understand how to not keep defaulting to the things as before. Truly appreciate the information.
This is absolutely the best and most useful book on association board governance I have ever read. It is particularly useful for small and medium-size associations which comprise the vast majority of associations in existence.
Whenever I read something Jeff wrote or hear him speak, I say “of course. . . I knew that” or “I should have thought of that” – because it makes eminent sense. He has a magical ability to take a concept (that is likely complex) and reframe it in terms that make you say, “Now I get it.”

About the Author

Jeff Arnold
Jeff is an association leadership strategist who helps association CEOs and their Boards of Directors build world class strategy, world class boards and world class board/staff relationships. He is President and co-owner of Leading Associations, a company that offers training, consulting and management services to associations, and provides a roadmap to building visionary leadership, establishing an aspirational culture, and producing remarkable results.